Analyzing and Visualizing AIGA Survey Data
Uncovered trends, patterns, and insights from survey responses, and presented the data visually on a website for the American Institute of Graphic Arts community.
Designer, Researcher,
User Persona | Qualitative and Qualitative Analysis | User Journey Mapping
Data Visualization
A website that visually presents the data
Graphic Designers | Design Researcher
In 2022, Kyuha Shim initiated and designed a 54-question survey project for the AIGA Design Educators Community Steering Committee to assess graphic design education and explore the role of design educators. Yvette Shen later took over leadership, with the DEC committee committed to the project's completion.
Graphic Design Education
Communicating Data
May Mallahzadeh ⏤ 2024
Short answer: Making sense of the survey data
Long answer: The goal is to share insights and foster a community that collaborates to enhance the quality, relevance, and impact of design education. Additionally, we aim to raise awareness and appreciation for the vital role of design educators.
The Target Audiences
Design Educators
Academic Administrators
Design Students
Individuals aspiring to pursue a career in design education.
My main role in the project was sense making and data analysis. Sense making involved analyzing data in Nvivo by coding to derive insights. Additionally, we created personas based on the data and developed journey maps. Microsoft Excel was used extensively to make sense of the data. We also identified trends and insights based on the data, which was the most time-consuming part of the research. I began designing some data visualizations, but the designs were later developed after I handed over the project.
Visualization Design
Nvivo Coding
Excel Analysis
Sense making and data analysis
Sense making, data analysis, and data visualization
Data analysis with Nvivo
The data was analyzed across four main categories, focusing on graphic design educators' characteristics, their job responsibilities, and the details of the universities and educational institutions they are associated with. The final category involved creating four personas of graphic design educators, along with their journey maps, to illustrate their career paths in the field. Additionally, the analysis included insights into potential future personas and career trajectories.
Sneak peek into the job category analysis
Sneak peek into the people category analysis
Sneak peek into the place category analysis
Sneak peek into the journey category analysis
AIGA community surveys are conducted annually, each with a different focus, resulting in a report of about 30 pages. Presenting the data in a website format significantly increased engagement from a broader audience, making the information easier to read and more consistent.